Digital Marketing

Welcome to your Digital Marketing Assignment Exam-2023

Digital Marketing


Welcome to your MS-OFFICE V DATE:February 18, 2025

1.The extension of MS-PowerPoint 2013 is _____.

2.Format Painter function is use for _______.

3. Can we delete place holder from MS-PowerPoint slides.

4.The default slide size is ____________.

5.Shortcut key to run Slide show.

6. Default file name of MS-PowerPoint?

7. Hyperlink function is used link slide with other slide of any other file.

8. Transitions are applied on slide?

9. Animations are applied on text or objects?

10.How many annimations can be applied

11. The Default view of presentation is______.

12. What is the use/function of note page?

13. Function of fit to window is___?

14. MS-PowerPoint is the presentation software.

15. Duration of slides is changed from ____________ tab?

16. Photo album is given in_________ tab?

17.Save as works for_______?

18. Action button is located in _________ tab?

19.Short cut key Ctrl + C is used for________?

20. Short cut key Ctrl + V is used for ____________?

21. Blue line under the text indicate ________?

22.Arrange all the windows function is used for_________?

23. Switch windows function is used for_________?

24. New window function is used for ________?

25. You can generate video from MS-PowerPoint

Mr. and Miss Hitech

Welcome to your Mr. and Miss Hitech Round-1 Date:February 18, 2025

1. Which two animals are involved in share market ?

2. Full form of CAA

3. Who is the first Mr. Hi-tech & Miss. Hi-tech Computer 2018?

4. Narendra Modi is the _____ Prime Minister of India.

5. A family consist of six members p,q,r,x.y, & z . p&r are married couple . q is the son of r but r is not the mother of q. y is the brother of r. x is the daughter of p. z is the brother of p.
1. What is the relationship of x to q?

6. Who is the present governor of Reserve Bank Of India ?

7. Is currency Reserve in Reserve Bank Of India Nagpur

8. With How many states Maharashtra share its boundaries

9. Who is the first person in Maharashtra to become a grandmother in chess

10. Which one does not belong to the group?

11. Four of the following four are alike in a certain way & so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?

12. Which of the following is the largest blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart?

13. Fungi areplants that lack

14. Which of the following is an air- borne disease?

15. Your bones will dependent the quality of your work

16. What is the vision of Hi-tech computer?

17. Hi-tech associates with_________

18. How many courses in Hi-tech computer?

19. What is the foundation day of Hi-tech computer ?

20. Which are the courses provided by Hi-tech?

21. In following question a disarranged sentence is given in which words or pharses are lettered p,q,r,s,.  you are to arrange these to form a meaningful sentence.
p : the first flim
q : he ever
r : that is
s : saw

22. what is the shortcut key of CANCEL.

23. RAM is _______& _______

24. Storage device , inside the computer is

25. The sensitive index of National stock exchange of India is popularly known as

Computer Basic-4

Welcome to your Computer Basic-4 DATE:February 18, 2025

Computer Basic-3

Welcome to your Computer Basic-3 DATE:February 18, 2025

Computer Basic-2

Welcome to your Computer Basic-2 DATE:February 18, 2025

1.Which is a type of booting technic

2.Warm booting is always avoided

3.Ctrl + Alt+Delete Press twice will ___________

4.Cold booting is always avoided

5.Start ---> Document will show

6.When a file or folder is deleted from Recycle Bin is deleted permanently

7.When a File is deleted from the Recycle Bin it can be recover

8.If a mouse is not working and want to use the mouse pointer then we ca use __________ option of control pane

9.Which of them is a format option, when we can format a driver or disk using windows OS

10.There are two type of user created in window OS

11.The User has either ______________ or ________________ Permission or type of user

12.Any File has the following Attributes

12.How to show all hidden file and folder

14.How to Show or hide the Extension of the File

15.Back Ground Screen of the windows OS is called DESKTOP

16.The Picture that you will seen on the background screen of Windows OS is called Wall paper

17.RAM stand for Random Access Memory

18.RAM is Temporary memory

19.ROM is Read Only Memory

20.ROM is called Random Only Memory

21.ROM is permanent memory

22.RAM is Permanent Memory

23.ROM is Temporary memory

24.Which is not a type of printer

25.There are two type of printer one is Impact and other is __________________

Computer Basic-1

Welcome to your Computer Basic-1 DATE:February 18, 2025

1.For installing the font,select the correct ways

2.Correct ways to check the sysem information like Processor, RAM and etc

3.Formating a non botting Partition of Hard Disk

4.How to Partition the Hard Disk after Installaton of OS.
Right Click on My Computer --> Manage --> Storage --> Disk Manager --> select Partition/Unpartition Space and Right Click --> Make Partition

5.How to Partition the Hard Disk after Installaton of OS.
Right Click on My Computer --> Properties--> Storage --> Disk Manager --> select Partition/Unpartition Space and Right Click --> Make Partition

6.How to install a new printer

7.There Are Two type of printer that we have to install first is Local Printer and Other is _________

8.There are ______________ and ____________ type of printer that we can install

9.How we can change the date and time of the computer

10.When we delete any file or folder it goes to __________ folder

11.Process of sending the deleted file or folder to it original Possition is known as ________

12.For changing the screen Resolution in windows XP

13.Defragmentation utility is use for _______________

14.Which is True about Defragmentation utility

15.Printed Matter is called Soft Copy

16.Data on the Monitor is call Hard copy

17.Printed Data is called Hard copy

18.Data on the Screen is called Soft copy

19.Disk Cleanup Utility is use for _____________________

20.Which is not a part of Accesseries

21.Right Click on Drive and Select Properties is use for _________________

22.When we click the Mouse Right Button a menu will appear is Called ____________

23.When we click the Right button of the mouse a shortcut menu will appear is know as POPUP

24.Pop Up menu will appear after the click of ___________ button

25.Which is not a type of booting technique


Welcome to your DTP-4 DATE:February 18, 2025

1.Statistics option of Text menu does not display ________

2.Text Statistics option of text menu display ________

3.In Corel Draw Column option is available in __________ menu

4.Which of the case is not supported by case option

5.Which of them is a change case option supported by

6.Distance between two paragraph we can control by using ____________ and _______________

7.Paragraph has __________ and _________ alignment

8.Text Menu --> Character Formatting --> option has _______ option

9.Character option of the Text menu does not have option

10.Character format option of Text Menu has following option

11.If we lock the object we can not copy the object to another file

12.When we lock the object, we can move the object in page but can not move to another page

13.Align and Distributes is use to set the page according to ____________

14.If page of the Corel Draw is Wide and we click the Switch page Orientation then

15.Which is not an option of page background

16.Page Background Layout option apply background to the page has the following option

17.Page Background option is available in ____________ Menu.

18.Which option is not available in Layout Menu of Corel draw

19.Which of them option is available in Layout menu

20.How to view the Print area in Corel Draw

21.To switch to the previous view from the full screen or page sorter view we can use ESC  key

22.Which of them is not True About Page Sorter View

23.Page Sorter view is use to arrange the pages

24.For Display or hide the Ruler Line we can use_________ menu

25.The Shortcut key of Full Screen Preview in Corel Draw is _________________


Welcome to your DTP-3 DATE:February 18, 2025

1.Short Cut key for Actual Zoom is__________

2.Show or hide color the short cut key is

3.Show or hide Layer

4.Show or hide Ruler

5.Shortcut key for Place option is

6.We can apply the color as well as the Bitmap image to the text

7.Which is the colour system in Photoshop

8.Which of them is not a colour System in Photoshop

9.Canvas Size change the size of image

10.Rotate canvas_________

11. Rotate image can rotate the image as well as canvas

12.Rotate Canvas has the following option

13.Rotate canvas does not have

14.Short cut key for auto Contrast is

15.Short cut key for canvas setting is

16.Creating New Layer

17.New Layer Fill has the following option

18.Which of them is not a fill option of new Layer

19.Which of them are the Filter of Photoshop

20.Which of them is not filter in Photo shop

21.Step backward option undo one step backward

22.Step backward return the status of object one step before

23.There are two option to set the change the status of the image or picture

24.Shortcut key for Keyboard Shortcuts is

25.Export for Office option is use to export the drawing for MS Office