Welcome to your MS-OFFICE V DATE:February 18, 2025 Name of Student 1.The extension of MS-PowerPoint 2013 is _____. .PPTX .PTX .PPT .PTMX None 2.Format Painter function is use for _______. Copy Text Copy Style Paste Text Cut Text None 3. Can we delete place holder from MS-PowerPoint slides. Yes No None 4.The default slide size is ____________. Widescreen(16:9) Standard(4:3) Both a& b None of the Above None 5.Shortcut key to run Slide show. F6 F5 F9 F3 None 6. Default file name of MS-PowerPoint? Document1 Presentation1 Presentation Ppt1 None 7. Hyperlink function is used link slide with other slide of any other file. True False None 8. Transitions are applied on slide? True False None 9. Animations are applied on text or objects? True False None 10.How many annimations can be applied One More then one None of the above Both a&b None 11. The Default view of presentation is______. Normal view Outline View Slide shorter view None of the above None 12. What is the use/function of note page? Extra page for extra writing work View all the slides Both a&b None of the above None 13. Function of fit to window is___? Bring scale to default Scale increase to 150% Scale decrease to 50% None of the above None 14. MS-PowerPoint is the presentation software. Yes No None 15. Duration of slides is changed from ____________ tab? Home Design Animation Tansition None 16. Photo album is given in_________ tab? Home Insert Design Transition None 17.Save as works for_______? Save the file Create the duplicate of file Both a&b None of the above None 18. Action button is located in _________ tab? Home Insert Design View None 19.Short cut key Ctrl + C is used for________? Cut Copy Paste Format Painter None 20. Short cut key Ctrl + V is used for ____________? Cut Copy Paste Bold None 21. Blue line under the text indicate ________? Spelling error Grammar error Both a&b None of the above None 22.Arrange all the windows function is used for_________? Jumping from one file to other Seeing all the file collectively Arrange the slides None of the above None 23. Switch windows function is used for_________? Switching from one window to other Arrange all the windows Both a&b None of the above None 24. New window function is used for ________? Create new window Arrange the given window Jumping to another window None of the above None 25. You can generate video from MS-PowerPoint Yes No None
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