Welcome to your DTP-3 DATE:January 17, 2025 Name of Student 1.Short Cut key for Actual Zoom is__________ Shift +1 Ctrl+1 Alt +1 Shift+Alt+1 2.Show or hide color the short cut key is Ctrl+C Ctrl+J Alt+C Alt+J 3.Show or hide Layer Ctrl+8 Alt+8 Shift +Alt+8 Ctrl+Shift+8 4.Show or hide Ruler Ctrl +R Shif +Ctrl+R Shift+Alt+R Alt+R 5.Shortcut key for Place option is Alt+D Ctrl+P Alt+P Ctrl+D 6.We can apply the color as well as the Bitmap image to the text TRUE FALSE 7.Which is the colour system in Photoshop RGB CMYK Lab Colour All of above 8.Which of them is not a colour System in Photoshop RGB Lab Colour CMYK None of above 9.Canvas Size change the size of image TRUE FALSE 10.Rotate canvas_________ Rotate the Image Rotate the Canvas Both above A and B None of A and B 11. Rotate image can rotate the image as well as canvas TRUE FALSE 12.Rotate Canvas has the following option Flip Horizontal Flip Vertical Arbitgrary All of Above 13.Rotate canvas does not have 180 90 Arbitrary None of Above 14.Short cut key for auto Contrast is Alt+Shift+L Alt+Ctrt+L Alt+shift+Ctrl+A Ctrl+A 15.Short cut key for canvas setting is Ctrl+C Ctrl+V Ctrl+M Alt+M 16.Creating New Layer Ctrl+N Ctrl+Shift+N Alt+Ctrl+N Alt+N 17.New Layer Fill has the following option Solid Colour Gradient Pattern All of Above 18.Which of them is not a fill option of new Layer Solid Colour Gradient Pattern Bitmap 19.Which of them are the Filter of Photoshop Blur Distort Render All of Above 20.Which of them is not filter in Photo shop Noise Sharp Sketch Texture 21.Step backward option undo one step backward TRUE FALSE 22.Step backward return the status of object one step before TRUE FALSE 23.There are two option to set the change the status of the image or picture Step Backward and Step Forward Undo and Redo Both A and B None of A and B 24.Shortcut key for Keyboard Shortcuts is Ctrl+K Alt+K Shift+Alt+K Shift+Alt+Ctrl+K 25.Export for Office option is use to export the drawing for MS Office TRUE FALSE
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