Welcome to your JAVA-III DATE:February 18, 2025 Name of Student 1.How to solve the constructor overriding Change the name of Use super keyword Change the name of class None of Above None 2.For creating you own exception we can use ___________ and __________ keyword Try and catch Finally & Try Finally & catch Throw & throws None 3.For creating our own exception we can _______________ declare class with the name of exception use throw and throws statement Both Above None of Above None 4.The Default action of the update() is declare class with the name of exception use throw and throws statement Both Above None of Above None 5.Which is not a member of life cycle method of the applet init() paint stop destroy() None 6.The default action of the repaint() method is Clear the applet Call the print() Both Above None of Above None 7.Correct Syntax for Font class is Font fnt = new Font(face, style, size) Font fnt = new Font(face, size, style) Font fnt = new Font(size, Style, Face) Font fnt = new Font(Style, Face, size) None 8.setFont method is use to apply the font to the applet. but is applicable only for drawLin drawString drawOval drawfillOval None 9.By using ____________________ method we can change the drawing color setForeground setColor Both Above None of Above None 10.To change the Color of the drawing we can use setColor(Color.red) color.setColor(Color.red) red.setColor None of Above None 11.Create a Circle with red color drawOval(40,40, 50 70) fillOval(40,40, 50 70) drawOval(40,40, 50 50) fillOval(40,40, 50 50) None 12.Garbage collection is an automatic process in java True False None 13.In Jave garbage object can be collected Automatically Manually Both Above None of Above None 14.setVisible() has __________ value True Fasle Both Above None of Above None 15.In Modeless style we can switch to another form without responding the first one True False None 16.We can switch to another form without respondigng to first one in ___________ Model Style Modeless Style Both Above None of Above None 17.In model Style we can switch to another form without respinding to first one True False None 18.To make the text box as a password box we can use echoChar () syntax is setechoChar('*'); choChar("*"); setechoChar("*") echoChar('*') None 19.panel contain caption True False None 20.Syntax for creating the frameFrame frm= new Frame("Frirst Frame"); True False None 21.TextArea control is use to design a multi line input text box True False None 22.TextArea is a control that cotain one line input True False None 23.TextField create a single line input text box True False None 24.Which of them is not a awt Class Applet Panel Frame Table None 25.Which of them is a text control TextField TextArea Both Above None of Above None
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