Welcome to your JAVA-II DATE:October 10, 2024 Name of Student 1.The Overloaded function can be indentified by _____________ The name of function The parameter of the function Both Above None of Above In Hierarchical inherritance we can create the object of _______________ number of class One as many number of subclass object of all super class None of Above 3.Hybrid inheritance is ________________ Combination of inheritance Combination of single & multiple Combination of multilevel & Hierarchical All of Above 4.Inheritance is a machanism by which we can drive a class from an existing class True False 5.When a class is drive a class from more than one class is known as Single Multiple Multilevel Hierarchical 6.Which is true about interface Declare by using interface keyword All member is public by default All function / Method must be override in subclass All of Above 7.Java Does not supper ______________ Inheritance Single Multilevel Multiple Hierarchical 8.In have multiple inheritance is supported but can be implemented by interface True False 9.If there is two method in an interface we can override one one method the program Executed Executed & generate result Generate Error Produce output 10.identify Inheritanceclass AA { }class BB { }class CC extends AA { } Single Multiple Multilevel Hirerarchical 11.Identify the Inheritaceclass AA { }class BB extends AA { }public class CC extends BB { } Single Multiple Multilevel Hybrid 12.Identify super classclass AA { } Class A Class B Both A & B None of Above 13.Identify super classclass AA { }class AA { } Class A Class B Both A & B None of Above 14.Identify super classclass AA { }public class BB extends AA{ } Class AA Class BB Both A & B None of Above 15.Identify sub classclass AA { }public class BB extends AA{ } Class AA Class BB Both A & B None of Above 16.class AA { }XXX BB { }class CC extends AA implements BB { }what keyword is use to declare class Class Interface Both Above None of Above 17.finally block is use ______________ to execute some statement if an exception is raised to execute some statement when exception is not raised Both Above None of Above 18.finally block will appear jus immediate after ______________ Try Block Catch Block Before Try Block With catch Block 19.which statement is use to use the package in our application extends import implementation super 20.super keyword is use To solve the problem of overriding To solve the problem of overloading Both Above None of Above 21.For Function overriding functions in _____________________ Same Class Different Class Both Above Not Related 22.In fuction overriding the signature and name of the fuction is same True False 23.final fuction can not be override True False 24.abstract class can not be inherited True False 25.final class can not be inherited True False
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