Welcome to your CPP-3 DATE:January 17, 2025 Name of Student 1.&& operator is use to commbine two ___________ type of values Logical Relational Binary Arithmetic 2.____________ statement is use to exit from the inner loop. Break Exit Cut Continue 3.Function prototype tell the compiler return type name and ____________ Argument Type of Argument Both Above None of Above 4.A function that has return type ___________ does not return any value to the calling function Void int float unsigned 5.A C++ function invoking the function is known as ______________________ Function invoking Calling a function Return function Call and Return 6.____________ storage type variable retain it values Static register auto extern 7.________________________ is a global Static register auto extern 8.The default access mode for a class is ______________ private public protected friend 9.Scope of auto variable is ________________ Local to function Local to program Global to function Global to Program 10.if the array A[5] the index number from _________- to __________________- 0-5 1-5 0-4 1-4 11.The _________ key word is use to overload the operator Operator Overloaded Override Function 12.which of them is not overloaded ++ <= sizeof + 13.when Class B inherited from Class A then A is called ____________ Super Class Drive Class Subclass All of Above 14.which is of the following is not a access specifier Public Private Protected Optional 15.C++ support following type of stream Input Output Both Above None of Above 16.Priavte member of a class can access outside the boundry of the class True False 17.Member function can define outside the boudry of the class by using ___________ Scope resolution operator By Function overriding Ternary operator By Function overloading 18.One of them is not true about constructor Automatically invoked name is same as the name of class have return type. use to initialize the data member of class 19.Public member can access anywhere in the program True False 20.Protected member can acess in the class or its subclass True False 21.Public member can not access outside the boundry of the class True False 22.Private mamber can acess out the boudry of the class True False 23.Which of them is not true about function overloading name of the function are same signature of the functions are different. overloaded function are in same class overloaded function are in different class 24.Which of them is not true about constructor overloading Name are Same require to create two object. Parameters are different Parameters are Same 25.when Class B inherited from Class A then B is called ____________ Super Class Drive Class Base Class All off Above
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