Welcome to your CPP-2 DATE:February 18, 2025 Name of Student 1.finally statement is use for ______________ The statement that causes the exception That handled the exception when raised The statement that execute either exception raised or not. None of Above None 2.The finally block will appear After the try block After the catch block Before the try block Before the catch block None 3.The class from which the other class is drived is known as ________ Drive class Base class Super class Master class None 4.The Class that inherited from the other class is known as ____________ Super Class Sub Class Final Class Private Class None 5.The Overloaded function can be indentified by _____________ The name of the function The parameter of the function Both Above None of Above None 6.Which of them is an array of objectif Student is a class student st; student st[5]; student *st student st1,st2; None 7.The object of a class is ________________ instance of class template of class blue print of the class behavior of class None 8.Which of them is not a type of inheritance. Single Multiple Multilevel Multiway None 9.when one class is drived from only one class is known as ____________ Single inheritance Multilevel inheritance Not possible this type of inheritance None of Above None 10.Class AA { };class BB { };class CC:public AA { };identify the inheritance; Single Multiple Multilevel Hierarchical None 11.class AA{ };class BB { };class CC : public AA, public BB { };identify the inheritance Single Multiple Multilevel Hierarchical None 12.class AA{ };class BB : public AA{ };class CC :public BB { };identify the inheritance Single Multiple Multilevel Hierarchical None 13.In multiple inheritance we can create the object of ____________ number of class One Two as many as number of class exist in program None of Above None 14.In Hierarchical inherritance we can create the object of _______________ number of class One as many number of subclass object of all super class None of Above None 15.Hybrid inheritance is ________________ Combination of inheritance Combination of single and multiple Compination of multilevel and Hierarchical All of Above None 16.Inheritance is a machanism by which we can drive a class from an existing class True False None 17.When a class is drive a class from more than one class is known as Single Multiple Multilevel Hierarchical None 18.Class that contain one or more pure virtual function is known as abstract class True False None 19.Open() is use for ______________ Opening a file Reading a file Both Above None of Above None 20.ios:: in open the file for input Open the file for reading the file pen the file for writing the file All of Above None 21.wirte() function is to writing the data to the file True False None 22.read() function is use to read the data from the file True False None 23.Which of the following is not a opening mode of file ios::in ios::out ios::pt ios::app None 24.Every C++ program execution begin at the function________________- main super class function subclass function None of Above None 25.Relational operator has the ________________precedence than arithmatic opeator Higher Equal Lower None of Above None
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