Welcome to your C Language-IV DATE:February 15, 2025 Name of Student 1.What happend if we can not initilize the variable Variable contain garbage value Variable contain 0 Compiler generate error None of above None 2.What happen if we can not initialize the the constant Contain garbage value Contain 0 Generate Error None of Above None 3.Identify the operatorVariable = (Expression)? true value: false value; Unary Operator Binary Operator Ternary Operator Special Operator None 4.How many times the loop will execute int i=10;do {}while(i<10); 1 10 9 11 None 5.How many time the loop wil executeint i=10;while(i<10){} 1 0 10 9 None 6.which of the followin is not a storage data type static extern enum register None 7.Which if the following is a storage class type static extern enum register None 8.what is the output void main(){int a=5,*pt; //Assume the address of a is 7098pt=&a;printf("%u",pt)} 5 7098 Doesn't generate output Generate Error None 9.what is the output void main(){int a=5,*pt; //Assume the address of a is 7098pt=&a;printf("%d",*pt)} 5 7098 Doesn't generate output Generate Error None 10.what is the output void main(){int a=5,*pt; //Assume the address of a is 7098pt=&a;printf("%u",&a)} 5 7098 Generate Error No output is generate None 11.what is the output void main(){int a=5,*pt; //Assume the address of a is 7098pt=&a;printf("%u",**pt)} 5 7098 Generate Error No output is generate None 12.what is the output void main(){int a=5,*pt; //Assume the address of a is 7098pt=&a;printf("%d",*(&a));} 5 7098 Generate Error No output is generate None 13.What is the range of unsigned int variable 2 byte 4 byte 1 byte 8 byte None 14.What is the range of unsigned int datatype 0 - 655336 0 to 32768 -32768 -32768 to + None 15.which of the following data type does not require 4 byte in memory int long float unsigned int None 16.Which iof the followin is require only one byte char short int unsigned int All of Above None 17.main( ){float a=10.3;float *b;b=&a; /*address of a=1500 */printf("\n%u%u",&a,b);} 1500 1500 10.3 1500 1500 10.3 10.3 10.3 None 18.main( ){int i=2;int *j; /* address of i=2645 &j=&i address of j=2670 */ printf("\n%u",&i);printf("\n%u",j);} 2670 2645 2645 2645 2 2645 2670 2670 None 19.The library function _____ is used to open the file. fopen() fread() fwrite() All of Above None 20.Which keyword is used to define structure? Structure struct STRUCTURE STRUCT None 21.main( ){ int i=3;int *j,**k; /* address of i=3456, j=&i; address of j=2976, k=&j; address of k=1200 */printf("\n%d%d",*j,**k);} 3456 2976 2976 3 3 3 2976 2976 None 22.Which extension is used for c program file .c .cc .cpp All of Above None 23.How many decimal places are displayed when a number has a conversion specification of %f 2 19 6 14 None 24.Which is modulus operator from # * % @ None 25.If an array has storage class as static then all the array elements would have the default initial value as zero(0). True False None
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