Welcome to your C Language-III DATE:February 18, 2025 Name of Student 1.find outputint x=5;if(x>10);x=100;elsex=200; x=200 x=100 Error Compile but doesn't generate gives any value None 2.What is recursion? When a Function Call by itself When function call the other Both Above None of Above None 3.Which is not correct for pointer. Pointer contain an address of variable. Datatype of the pointer is same as the data type of variable that address it contain. Execution of the program is slow down. Dynamic variable. None 4.sqrt(x) function return the squre root fo the X. True False None 5.Can you use the function fprintf() to display the output on the screen? Yes No None 6.What is output of the codeint i=1,s=0;while(i<10){s=s+i;}printf("%d",s); 0 10 55 Infinite Loop None 7."\n" back Slash operator is use for _________ For New Line For New Column For Next Vertical Tab For Next Horizontal Tab None 8.\t is use for _____________. For New Line For Next Vertical Tab Positioning For Next Horizontal Tab Postition None of Above None 9.Which of them is not C indentifier. Constant Variable Keyword Loop None 10.The short cut key for save and run is __________ and _____________ F1 & F2 F2 & F9 F2 & Ctrl+F2 F2 & Ctrl+F9 None 11.In C language program the program execution started from main() True False None 12.which if the followi ng error dispaly by compiler Syntax Logical Both Above None of Above None 13.The ___________ function is use to dispaly out on screen. printf scanf fprintf fscanf None 14.The ____________ is the none executable statement. ' // /* */ All of Above None 15.if structure variable is pointer then ___________________- operator is use for accessing the data member of the structure Arrow-> Dot(.) Both Above None of Above None 16.Which of them is not a bit wise opeator ~ ^ | || None 17.int X=123;Means the variable is initialize. State ? True False None 18.If an array initlize the less number of element then its size then ? Remaining element are truncated Remaining element is assign to zero Remaining element assign the garbage value None of Above None 19.for POW function which header file is use ? math.h cytpe.h stdio.h conio.h None 20.struct book{ char title[20];char author[20];int price;} B;what is incorrect in above declartion Structure name is invalid Structure variable is declare in capital Letter if a tag name is used we can not use the variable name in declaration All of Above None 21.What will be the following function call ?divide(2,3) calling of a function with two integer variable calling of a function with parameter. calling function divide with two integer parameter None of Above None 22.What will be the decleration of the following functiondivide(2,3) void divide(); void divide(int, int); divide(int, int); All of above None 23.What will be the defination of the following functiondivide(2,3) void divide(int x, int y ) { } void divide(int , int ) { } divide(int x, int y ) { } void divide() { } None 24.Which of the following is athe control string for OCTAL number system. %c %O %Ox %x None 25.which of the following is not a backshelesh character. \t \T \v \n None
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