Oracle Course


Oracle is world’s largest used Database. Oracle is the product of Oracle Corporation. Oracle is the market of database for many decades. It works on mostly all operating systems. Most of the world’s top companies use Oracle . Oracle is used to store information about company’s staff, salary, stocks, and all related information. Any of person going for computer field should have knowledge of database preferably Oracle. Oracle Classes and Training is conducted by expert teaching staff . Oracle Batches starts on First and Third Mondays of every month at our institute.

Study Material

For Maharashtra Jurisdiction: MKCL will provide the excellent Study Material in English and Marathi

Why Take admission?

Our courseware is modular, enabling faculty to incorporate entire Oracle Academy courses or individual lessons or topics into their existing classes and programs of study. Our courseware is designed to be delivered as part of an academic program of study, has educational learning objectives, is mapped and aligned to many relevant standards and exams globally, and is available in multiple languages to improve learning experiences.



Detailed Syllabus:Oracle 

Oracle Course covers the following syllabus.

Getting Started

  • CONCEPTS of Oracle – Introduction to the database management system, Types of Database, The Relational Database Management System, Normalization, Entity Relationship Diagram, Client / Server Architecture Model
  • SQL & SQL PLUS in Oracle – Introduction to SQL , Classification of SQL Statement ( DDL, DML, DCL ), SQL Operator and Functions, The SQL Select Statement and Types of Queries, Different Set of Operators and Joins, What is SQL Plus, Creating Reports using SQL Plus
  • PL / SQL in Oracle – Introduction to PL/ SQL, The PL/SQL Block Construct, Using Variables and SQL statement in the PL/SQL BLOCK , PL/SQL Constructs like If, Elseif, Elseif, Else, Endif, Loop… End Loop , While Loop etc, Working with Cursor, Creating and Using Shared Functions, Procedures and Packages, Writing Event Driven Database Level Triggers, Using Oracle Packages
  • NEW DATATYPES in Oracle – Lob’s ( Large Objects), Type of Lob’s, Creating and Managing Tables using Lob’s, Using DBMS_LOB, Packing to work with Lob’s
  • ORACLE OBJECT OPTION The Objects Data Type, Create Type Statement, Creating Tables Based on Object Data Types, Using SQL AND PL/SQL Statement to work with object Table.
  • OBJECT VIEWS in Oracle

Certification & Important Dates


  • KLiC courses are recognised by Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU).
  • MKCL provides certificate to the KLiC learner after his/her successful course completion.
  • Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU) provides mark sheet to successfully passed KLiC learners (Jurisdiction: Maharashtra).

Important Dates:

  • Batch Commencement: One batch in each calendar month (January to December)
  • Date(s) of Application and Fee Payment by Learner: 1st – 30th day of each calendar month
  • Date(s) of Learner Confirmation by ALC: 1st – 30th day of each calendar month
  • Course Start Date and Date of Issuing Learner Login: Date of admission confirmation